如有不妥使用可示知必刪 翻譯社
David因為受到Jill 翻譯吸引,所以才買花送她;
可以省略 翻譯範例:
Talking of…(說到…)
1. Joe was waiting for Lily reading a book.
David 也先遭到Jill的吸引,後來才買花送她 翻譯社
2. My sister is cleaning the room singing a song.
3. Some students are walking down the road talking to each other.
4. Walking along the beach, Mary found some beautiful shells.
(原句: Because there was no telephone, we had to write letters to our family.)
英文舉例: When most people (S1) talk about movies 翻譯公司 they (S2) think of big explosions.
- It being Sunday 翻譯公司 the school was closed.
-Step 1:把毗鄰詞省略,個中一個動詞改成份詞。
1. Joe was waiting for Lily. /Joe was reading a book.
2. My sister is cleaning the room. / She is singing a song.
3. Some students are walking down the road. / They are talking to each other.
4. Mary walked along the beach. / She found some beautiful shells.
2. There being no telephone, we had to write letters to our family.
(一) 分詞構句
中文舉例: 人人說到台灣小吃時,各人都邑想到臭豆腐。
- Frankly speaking, I think this work is difficult.
9. Because it was rainy, the picnic was canceled.
10. There were no televisions, children played with their neighbors more often.
效果(1) When talking about movies, most people think of big explosions.
成效(2) Talking about movies, most people think of big explosions.
Strictly speaking…(嚴厲說起來…)
Frankly speaking…(坦白說起來…)
率直說,我感覺這份工作很艱苦 翻譯社
-Step 2:分詞又分兩種,自動用Ving;被動用P.P.
分詞構句寫成: 說到台灣的小吃,大家都邑想到臭豆腐。
2. Speaking of the weather, do you bring umbrella today?
Generally speaking…(一般說起來…)
- 內湖高中英語學習平台(http://english.nhsh.tp.edu.tw/p21-12.htm);
- 朗文新英文文法全集
兩個句子本來以連接詞連接,為了簡化這兩個句子,使其更為簡練,所以產生”分詞構句”這類句型 翻譯社
(原句: Because it was Sunday, the school was closed.)
當明確知道兩句主詞分歧時,此中又有一個主詞是”不特定 翻譯人”,
那”不特定 翻譯那一個”就能夠省略。
(二) 自力分詞構句
Speaking of… (說到…)
(三) 碰運氣:
5. David was attracted by Jill. / He bought a flower for her.
6. The island is seen from the plane. / The island looks like a ship.
7. The little girl was bitten by a dog. / She was crying.
8. When the soldiers are threatened, they will fire without warning.
Judging from…(從…來看)
9. It being rainy 翻譯公司 the picnic was canceled.
10. There being no televisions, children played with their neighbors more often.
◎分詞構句 翻譯由來:
2. 獨立分詞構句 翻譯兩個原句中,兩個主詞是分歧 翻譯,所以紛歧定可以省略。
5. Attracted by Jill, David bought a flower for her.
6. Seen from the plane, the island looks like a ship.
7. Bitten by a dog, the little girl was crying.
8. 結果(1) When threatened 翻譯公司 the soldiers will fire without warning. 效果(2) Threatened, the soldiers will fire without warning.
因為人類是懶惰的,利用說話時也進展用對照少的句子或字,來表達一樣 翻譯意思,所以說話中產生了分詞構句的語法。
本文出自: http://bearwithprim.pixnet.net/blog/post/100096534-%E9%AB%98%E4%B8%AD%E8%8B%B1%E6%96%87%3A%E5%88%86%有關翻譯的問題歡迎諮詢天成翻譯社